Sunday, January 10, 2010

new years resolution

i know we are 9 days into the new year already and i am just now making a new years resolution post... oppps.

my resolutions are all things i have been meaning to do, but have never actually started to do them. so here they are, in no particular order:

2010 resolutions

{1. go raw}

i've always wandered if humans were created to eat just plants, vegetables and fruit. did God intend us to kill another one of His creature's? i'm far from equipped to answer that, but i do believe that our bodies crave and thrive on raw food. i believe that it is good for my body on so many levels- mind, skin, energy, sleep, disease.....

i have tried to go 100% raw before, but i only made it a week before i quit. this time i plan on going in stages. for these first two months of 2010 i am eating 1/3 of my meals raw. by march move to 2/3 raw. i don't know that i will ever go the full 100%, but i would like to challenge my body to get there.

some attempts at eating more raw

this a nice little wrap i made with butter crunch lettuce,
 avocados, alfa sprouts and ginger

carrot, apple and ginger juice

this was my attempt to make raw bread. a horrible attempt.
 from now on i will leave it up to arnold's way.

{2. stop using products}

hair products

i have alllllll sorts of products. i am a total sucker for a cute little bottle that promises to transform my hair or skin. in fact i have 3 to 4 sets of shampoo and conditioner in my shower at all times. many of my products are made of natural ingredients but i still question the necessity of them. i've always wandered, if God created our skin and hair to manage itself. really....
*your hair has OIL in it = you strip away the OIL with shampoo = you put OIL back into it with conditioner.
* your face has OIL on it = you strip the OIL away with soap = you put lotion back on to your face with OIL.

does that seem crazy to anyone else?  well i know i'm not the only one out there. just google it and find out!

face products

well i guess thats it...sorry if this bored your face off.


  1. God did NOT intend us to eat His creatures, we were made to eat plant life. He only "allowed" us to eat meat because of Noah and the animal sacrifices. Going raw is totally biblical! I'm so proud of your choice, I know you can do it!

    And thanks for the enlightenment on the products. That seriously is crazy. However, I know I would smell horrible if I left my body to its own devices to clean itself. I'm just sayin...

    You forgot one resolution...visiting your sister in Africa! Okay maybe it's not really a resolution, but I think it should at least be something to think about.

  2. wow, I haven't got that far yet. I tried to use organic products as much as I can. I really like coconut and shea butter as a body lotion. It is a process and we will get there eventually. :-)
