Monday, December 28, 2009

neck warmer

i'm so sorry its been a ghost town up in here. i had really grand intentions of blogging through the whole holiday season. i wanted to share so many things, but i just couldn't bring myself to make the time.

i am back however and my future looks as if i will have plenty of time to get back to blogging.

today i tried my hand at a neck warmer. i had been partly dreaming it up in my head and partl collecting ideas from others i had seen.

i started with a black jersey dress i no longer wanted.
i cut one long strip.

i pinned the two ends together with a few pleats as well.

i cut up an old red cotton shirt into three strips.
i arranged them into flower like shapes.

i hand sewed each one onto my neck warmer.

my neck is now ready for the rest of the winter.