Monday, December 7, 2009

craft fair bust #2

so you know how i did a craft fair 2 weeks ago and it didn't go so hot? well, i tried again.

so hopefull, i diligently added to my inventory and excitedly prepared for the event.

this time instead of making nothing, i made $17. well then you subtract $10 for the cost of the table, so i officially made $7. oh yes that was over 4 hours.

i know we are not hitting our 'target audience'..... but how can i only sell $17 worth of goods?!?!

so i would like to enlist your help..... is it my table? is it my merchandise? just give it to me straight. my crafting career depends on you!

the beginning of the craft fair, so blindly happy

top tier- gift card holders, second tier- barrets,
third tier- headbands (like the one i am sporting), to the right- a variety of bracelets

gift bags

wine bags

our entire table, abby included


  1. first off, i think your crafts are great. the aprons, wine bags and gift card holders are my favorites!

    second, was there a lot of foot traffic?

    last, here are some things i've been thinking about since a craft fair this weekend (which i made money at, but about half of my goal)....

    -the advantages of simplifying my selection to the items i believe in most and then having good stock in them (this may not really apply to you, but i've just been thinking over all the various things i offer and what people seem to like the most)
    -how to display items, like what could hang vs. what could be laid out or stand on its own. (i think your aprons would look awesome hanging or you could model them at fairs)
    -having a prominent sign and name for people to remember

    and then also, i'm reading a great book called Craft, Inc. how to turn your hobby into a business (or something like that). it's been helpful so far, although i'm not done reading. :)

    just throwing my inner thoughts out there to you since i'm in a similar boat, thinking about similar issues.

    good luck! sam

  2. p.s. i forgot to mention the headbands! adorable!

  3. i agree, we need to find a way to hang our aprons

  4. Thanks for taking the time to respond Sam! I really appriciate your advice. I think we will be seeing you this Saturday in the city, we are just coming to look!

  5. Sam really knows her stuff, glad she was able to be so helpful to you both. Keep at it, it will evolve over time and you will find what your looking for.
