Thursday, March 25, 2010


i am adding another career to my life. i've been meaning to share it with you. we are getting into....drum roll....the flower business. ta da.

since we were a part of our local farmers market last year, we decided to meet the need for fresh cut flowers that was absent from the market. things just kept falling into our laps... a large seed starter, plenty of help from farmer friends, even land seem to start coming to us in abundance.

this is where it started, an old room at my dad's work. billy, my employee.

our seed starter, given to us by a family friend.

the very first flowers that popped up.

and here we are now... a few dead plants later and a few months down the road.

so if you plan on coming to the lansdale farmers market... we will be there, fingers crossed.

more of our land to follow soon.... enjoy your day!

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