Monday, March 15, 2010

more ugly truth from a fligh attendant

since my last work posts were recieved so kindly, i decided to give you guys some more. although it is lost on me why this would be of interest, i'm more than willing to share.

1. [ i know what you did in the bathroom ]

what i find funny is that people think they are being so stealth about this.... like "oh, i'll just pop in here real quick, do my bidness and no one will ever know". you are so wrong. while i understand the week long tequilla and burrito diet reaked havock on your innards, you are killing any sense of smell i had left. we carry 'lav spray' around like it's life or death and as soon you trot down the aisle on you merry way, we don our oxygen masks and spray the place down!!

2. [ cup of joe crap ]

Lord help you if this comes as a surprise-  there is no good coffee to be found on ANY aircraft. well hallelujah  i found this lil french press travel mug and my world has been rocked. so when you slug down your coffee i gladly serve you, you will be correct in noticing my nose go up a little higher as i look down at you.

3. [ ugly pj's]

lucky you...this is an actual picture me before bed on a cancun overnight.

if it's not glaringly obvious, i have on horrid yellow sweatpants. these are actually my husband's sweats. on every overnight, i sneak a shirt or something of his to sleep in. ohhh the things we do for love.

4. [ you are weirding me out ]

i believe my job is pretty simple. the hardest thing i have goin on is whether you said coke or diet coke. just playin, well kinda.
in the one second it takes for you to tell me what drink you want, i have already forgotten and it's actually your fault. here is a list of excuses why i can't remember what you just said (all of them have most definately happened before)
- your are a 40+ year old women and wearing full length pajamas complete with footies.
- you are reading 'mature' material in full view of me and small children.
- you asked me for something i do not have, when i gave you the entire run down of all beverages available to you at this time.
- i'm watching what weird stuff you are playing on your iPod over your shoulder and its  freakin me out.
- you crop dusted your whole section and i'm seeing how long my last breath will last me for.


  1. I LOVE THESE POSTS! do more! do more!

  2. Haa! Love this! I think we all like this so much because we want to hear how weird OTHER people are!

  3. Thanks for the insight! I am looking into becoming a flight attendant when I get back home form living in Peru for four months.... internship.... This is exactly what I have been looking for! Do you like what you do?


  4. hey rachel!

    i'm glad you liked this.
    the best advice i could give you would be to really research what airline you choose. i don't want to say to much more on never know where prying eyes may be!
    it definately has its perks and its an addictive lifestyle.
    feel free to email if you have more questions!

    ps. i found grizzly bear's through your site and am obsessed...thanks!
