Tuesday, November 24, 2009

top tres tuesday || update crafting

before i get to my updates, i need to confess something... i've not been motivated to blog. it's like just one more chore that i have to get to. ugh. i'm hoping to be re inspired by the holiday season and the nice new camera i have my eye on.

i know i told you i would be updating you on a craft show i would be selling at, but maybe you can just look at abby's post about it instead? i 1) forgot to take pictures and 2) don't have the energy. it was a flop, but i'm still glad we did it. hopefully it will make us better for whenever we find another craft fair to be a part of.

soooooo back to top tres tuesday. i've been crafting as much as my schedule will allow right now. aka- not a lot.

numero uno- recycling coffee bags (i have friends from one village coffee. they let me have some of their coffee bags for my sewing ventures. i made this apron, which didn't turn out as nice as i would've liked but can't wait to try again.)

numero dos- yoga bags (these are two i just made spur of the moment. i thought about selling them at the craft fair, but didn't. they fit a little too snug around the mat.)

numero tres- bracelets (i made like a ton of these for the craft show. oh yea.... i sold ONE.)



  1. love the yoga bags...

    i want one but alas, i don't do yoga. shoot

  2. those yoga bags are cute! i think amy butler has a free pattern if you wanted to try something new. yes, hopefully our next craft show will be better and you sell more than one bracelet :)
