Thursday, November 12, 2009

don't throw it out

i really wanted to show you two yoga mat bags i made today. our camera battery charge has up and left us to some forgotten part of the house. i guess no pictures till then! i created the 2 bags because me and abby are planning to sell our goods at a craft show in lansdale. how excitinnnng! i'll let you have a peak of all the goodies i've made later.

i am reading a few new books. the first is 'don't throw it out: recycle, renew and reuse to make things last' by lori baird. i'm only a few chapters in but here are some ideas i thought i'd pass on from the first chapter:

- to resoften stale cookies, put a slice of white bread in the cookie jar
-if you've over salted a soup, add raw peeled potato to the soup and remove when finished
-bake stale crackers at 250 for a few mintues to make them crisp again
-if you are about to throw out the last bit of a bottle of wine, freeze it in a ice cube tray. use cubes whenever a recipe calls for wine.

and lastly please enjoy this song as much as me.  anyone want to join a traveling folk band with me?

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the link!! i'm excited to make milllllions!
