Tuesday, February 9, 2010

get to know me, please

i saw this post on another blog i was checking out. it seemed like a smart thing to do. you can tell this was not intended for AFTER sunday by question #4.... oh well.

1. How many piercing's do you have?
6. but i only use the standard 2, one in each ear. 
however i would love to get my tragus pierced.... my sister & bf is leaving for africa for 2 years. she has it pierced and i think it would be like our own secret way to still be connected.

2. I love the sound of.....?
billy's laugh. 

but for music- edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes & camera obscura.

3. Favorite city?
i loved vancover, nassua & camden, me.  
however i have a sweet spot for sellersville, pa that i can't seem to shake.

4. Colts, Saints, or could care less?
i'm obviously a few days behind. i really did hope the saints would win. better uniforms.

5. Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
i know i should say frozen yogurt but i can't. i adore coffee ice cream.

6. Favorite appetizer?
hmmm, this is tough. i would much rather eat a variety of appetizers then have a real dinner. billy has me addicted to hot pepper jelly over cream cheese. obviously with garden of eatin's sesame blues because no other chip can compare.

7. What item in your closet currently makes you the happiest?

these shoes.... $5 thrift store find. love love love em.

8.Favorite facial moisturizer?
green street luxuries 'whipped night face cream' its so thick i've been using it all winter long. i met the owners when they started selling at the local farmers market. sweetest people & amazing products!

9. What are most excited for this week? 
cameron's 1st birthday!!! he's so cute, he could've only been born on valentine's day!!

10. Describe the room you are in. 
our cozy lil bedroom... the safest place in the world. there is laundry out that needs to be put away, a white ikea chair that is threatening to capsize because someone has piled it high with their dirty clothes and a pair of boots that i have been debating for 3 weeks over whether to keep them or not. that must mean i shouldn't keep them, right?



  1. cute post! i love the boots... but if you haven't worn them in 3 weeks.... yeah, maybe you never will!

  2. #1 Katie is moving to Africa!?

    #2: tragus sounds uber sexual
