here i have thoughtfully compiled a list of tips for a more pleasant traveling expirience....for both you and
more importantly, for me.
1) "if you can't sling it, don't bring it"
once long long ago, i was a sweet innocent flight attendant. i would gladly wrestle your 60 lb into an overhead, even if you are healthy capable male, even if you are rude entitled princess, even if you are a CEO. however i changed and this my new motto (along with almost every flight attendant i know) i'm not being mean here, but i know my chiropractor like the back of my hand. give my achin' back a break. who i will still help? a. cute grandmothery elders b. little people, i mean that literally or c. if i see you about to tip me.
2) this is an aircraft, not walmart.
none of my flight are over 5 hours max, so it befuddles me that some people dress like they plan on hibernating for a 12 hour flight. pajamas are not acceptable. what else is not is not acceptable? too little clothes for both men and women. i can't tell you how many times i've had to tell barely exposed women that no, we actually don't have a blanket for you to cover up all your junk with. and besides, they don't make blankets big enough.
3) be kind.
if there is one thing i can tell you about my coworkers, it would be that we stick together. if you were mean to me, then you were mean to us all. if you were kind to me, you were kind to us all. you would be shocked the kind things we will do for you, if you treat us well and presents don't hurt either. some passengers actually do bring us gifts....candy, lotion, etc. those are the people that may get comp'ed drinks, i just sayin'.
4) bathroom advice.
i need to eloborate on some bathroom advice i've already given. there is actually a whollllle system to using the lav germ free.
a. always wear your shoes. you are NOT at home, so don't go walking in there in your socks or bare feet because that is NOT water that is on the floor.
b. use a paper towel to open the toilet seat.
c. how can i put this delicately? let's just say clean up when you are done because i will remember what you did to the bathroom and will be reminded of your poor hygiene while giving you your drink.
d. just like i know if you are the kind passenger that stunk up the bathroom, i also know when you haven't washed your hands.
e. use the paper towel to open the door because 9 out of 10 times, the person before you ignored the previous instruction.
5) the CURTAIN.
have you ever been on a flight, when all the services are done and you go to the back and there is a curtain pulled over?
you may hear the flight attendants back there, you may be curious of the secrets we are hiding back there, but do NOT open the curtain. it would be like if i came into your job and barged through your shut office door. my blood boils when i think of all the times i've been sitting down about to eat and a passenger rips open the curtain, sees that i have food in my hands, and puts their trash in my face and says "here".
ohhhh my word, i have to take a breather, i'm getting worked up again.
this may shock some people... but it is completely acceptable to ring your flight attendant call button. i really don't mind. but behind the curtain is break time. got it?
hope this was a helpful starter... i will try to drum up some more helpful hints for your best air travel possible. buhhbyeeenow.